Monday, April 29, 2013

Y is for Yearn

It isn't all about chocolate.
Sometimes I yearn for the
Scratch of salt across my lips 
Or the pucker of lemon
As bright as the sun
Against my tongue.

At night, I yearn for the 
The brush of your skin,
Barely touching the tips of my
fingers to the side of your arm
As I drift into sleep.

I yearn for the warm, dewy
Air of summer evenings,
For the drone of the mower
and the lazy hum of bees by
the red geraniums.

I yearn for turquoise twilight
And the squeal of childrens'
Laughter from the yard
Coming and going,
Drifting through the windows
As we smile at one another.


  1. I love all the specific detail here. Your images are beautiful! I really like "the lazy hum of bees by / the red geraniums." Wonderful!

  2. I really lived through those lines.. lovely!

  3. Beautiful and relatable. Thank you!
