Saturday, April 6, 2013

F is for Fear

I need this sign posted in every room in my house (Quite possibly, I need it tattooed across my abdomen). Without this reminder, you'll almost always find me with two hands full of kibble ready to hand-feed the long line of fears which have lined up, ready to devour me. 

They can sense a sucker and they know that I don't have the nerve to send them away. No, I'll give them dinner and pull up a cushion for them in front of the fire. Come here Hypochondria, let me rub your tummy. And you Natural Disaster, I brought you a nice glass of cold water. I guess they stick around because I make them welcome, but some day soon the party will end and they'll be out in the cold. Then we'll see who's scared.

How about you? Do you feed your fears?


  1. Yes, although I try not to—much harder than it sounds!

    Have a great weekend, Kate. Thanks again for your comments on my poems. ☺

  2. I've really been enjoying your poems, Dana!

  3. I do feed my fears, that sign would be perfect for me as well. I have to stay on top of them and nip 'em in the bud (not feed them dinner) before they grow too large. It's a constant battle, but I'm still fighting it.

  4. not as much as i used to- but still a struggle!

  5. Love the sign. I think we all feed fears. We all have insecurities and it's hard not to give in to them sometimes.

    1. I guess sometimes it's more about being aware of them, isn't it?

  6. It's hard not to feed the fears when the media hypes up events. I don't watch the news anymore and it helps lol.

    1. True! It's too bad most of my fears center around someone in my family getting hurt or sick :(

  7. I used to feed my fears but I now I make friends with them. It has been a long process that I still work on.

  8. I love that sign...and this post! Imagining actually feeding my fears made me laugh and made them much less scary. :)

  9. Most of my fears center around control (heights, close quarters, crowds).

    I have gotten pretty good about accepting how much is beyond my control.

    But my fear of heights-can't overcome that one. I'm scared you-know-what-less even on a stepladder.

    1. My fears are the same way. I hate feeling out of control!

  10. I think we all feed a fears a bit. Sometimes they starve sometimes they gorge. I hope I'm at the point where my fears are wasting away to nothing. Really what I think is happening to them is that I'm starving them, but dripping enough water in their mouths to keep them only marginally alive. That sounds like torture-lol.

    Great post!


  11. There's a good chance the things I fear will happen, but that's no reason not to do them.

    Moody Writing

  12. As far as I'm concerned, all fear is rooted in one thing: fear of the unknown. I think this applies to the whole gamut of fears: fear of the dark (you don't know what's there), fear of strangers (you don't know them), fear of what people might think (you don't know what people will think or say), fear of natural disasters (you don't know when a disaster might affect you), and so on.

    Some fear is good--like having a nervous system to warn you when something could damage you, but I think if we can get a handle on fear of the unknown, we'll end up conquering a whole host of phobias.

    1. You're probably right. I'd say 99% of my fears are based in this fear of the unknown. My arachnophobia, on the other hand, is just based on my fear of creepy crawly spiders.

  13. This sign is awesome. I try not to feed mine, but of course I do anyway. Mostly they center around something bad happening to my family. Even though most of them are highly unlikely, I can't seem to help myself anyway.

  14. I think we all need this sign hanging up in the house! I try not to feed my fears, but they're always waiting for me to drop some crumb or scrap to keep them going. Right now, my biggest fears is never finishing our home remodel (THE DUST! I can't take it anymore).

    1. That's a legitimate fear! In the midst of a remodel it always feels never-ending!

  15. I loved this post. You're writing is wonderful.

    Have fun with a-z.
