Monday, April 7, 2014

If I had a... Flying Machine

Illustration by ME

If I built a flying machine, I’d start with strings and gears.
And try to ignore the blunt advice I got from engineers.

They’d say to use an elephant
Just wouldn't be intelligent.
Plus the smell would be repugnant
If I built a flying machine.

If I built a flying machine, I’d add levers and balloons,
To give my craft the kind of oomph to get me to the moon.

I’d sew on wings to give us lift.
Add rocket fuel to make it swift.
Glue on feathers to help us drift.
If I built a flying machine.

If I built a flying machine, I’d add a hanging basket
So there would be a place to ride that was a bit more private.

The view would make you drop your jaw
The prettiest thing you ever saw
A sight to make you call your Ma.
If I built a flying machine.

You’d fly across the moonlit sky, upon a silver cloud
And never want to come back home. It wouldn’t be allowed.

A gust of wind would catch your hair
As you drifted softly through air
Living life without a care
'Cause I built that flying machine. 


  1. ♥ the poem and the lllustraton! I want a flying machine!!!!

    1. Let's build one :) You get the elephant and I'll get the other supplies...

  2. Love this!!
