Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Matter of Opinion

I just got finished reading BEFORE I DIE*. I've never cried so much reading a book before. Really. I don't like crying. It makes me feel soggy and a bit foolish and normally I hold it in at all costs. But let me tell you, it was a small price to pay for such an amazing story.

Whenever I read a book that I really LOVE, I always feel compelled to go to Goodreads to read the reviews that it's recieved. And for some reason I'm always absolutely blown away when not everyone has the exact same opinion of it as me. In fact, I end up getting a little angry. How can that reader not know how beautiful these words were? How can they not know good writing when they see it?

But I guess it just goes to show that we've all got our own taste. And really there's no accounting for some people. I hope I can remember this lesson if one day I publish a book. There are going to be people who hate it. Let's just face it. If some people hated this book that I loved so much, there are obviously going to be people who hate what I write too.

*Warning, even though this book is catagorized as YA it is definitely for mature readers.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A "Real" Job

I'm not used to this whole "work" thing, but this past week my job has actually been that... a job. I've been painting like crazy, trying to keep up with all the requests for new work from my publisher (whom I love, but might be begrudging just a smidgen at the moment).

All this work is certainly making me appreciate my normal life  (in which I lie around, read books and come up with stories to write).

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Hunger Games: a "Tribute"

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you probably know that The Hunger Games movie comes out this Friday, so as a "tribute" (ha ha, not that kind of tribute) to the movie I decided I wanted to share one of my favorite new songs with you, "Parachute" by Ingrid Michaelson. I can't listen to this song without imagining it playing during the closing credits, and even though I'm sure it's not on the actual soundtrack, in my mind, it most definitely is.

Give it a listen and tell me if you think it sounds like it was written specifically for Katniss and Peeta.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Little Screenplay Love

As if I don't have enough reading material to obsess over, I now feel the embers of a new love catching fire inside me. Over the years I've attempted to read some screenplays online, but I have such an aversion to reading anything longer than two pages on my computer that I never really fell in love. But oh how things have changed. Yes, once again Kindle has made my world brighter with the totally awesome capacity allowing me to read screenplays with my Kindle app.

As I'm gearing up for Script Frenzy next month, I decided it would be prudent to read as many screenplays as I can get my hands on in the last few weeks of March.

Yesterday, I decided to start by reading Bridesmaids. And let me tell you, it did NOT disappoint. I didn't laugh as loud as I did in the theatre, but that's because Kristin Wiig can have me rolling on the ground by just moving her eyebrows. Even so, my daughter was giving me some pretty funny looks as I snorted and chuckled and giggled my way through the script.

I can't wait to read more.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


From the magical, maniacal world of the creators of National Novel Writing Month comes the crazy challenge called Script Frenzy. Next month, thousands of writers will grab their pens, their notepads, their laptops, their cork boards and sticky notes and attempt the daunting task of writing a 100 page script in 30 days.

I might be a bit mad myself, but I'm going to make a go at it. I've written plenty of novels, short stories and essays (even one play), but I've haven't yet written a screenplay even though I've wanted to for years.

So for the next few weeks, besides finishing up the revision of one of my WIPs, I'll be working on my outline for Script Frenzy. Hopefully by the time the first of April rolls around I'll be ready to start pounding some keys.

What about you? Are you going to give Script Frenzy a go this year? If you're interested in learning more you can click here to visit the Script Frenzy home page.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Amazon Gift Card Winner

Thank you to everyone who answered my survey on the books that you read. It was so helpful and really validated some of the thoughts that I'd already had about publishing.

And the winner of the Amazon Gift Card is:


I'll be sending your gift card to your email address. Let me know what fun thing you buy.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Do You REALLY Do All Day?

Last Friday my husband started a new job. Normally he'd leave in the morning to drop our daughter off at school and return home just in time for dinner at six. NOW, on the days when he's not traveling to Detroit or Seattle, he'll be working from home.

Yes, part of me is very excited to have him at my beck and call. In my mind I'm imagining trips to lunch and walks with the dog (never mind that he'll have actual work to do). But the other part of me is a little worried.

No, I'm not worried that he's invading my turf. I'm worried that he's going to see what I actually DO all day (which I'm embarrassed to say, often doesn't seem like a whole lot). Remember all that laundry that I avoid and all those books that I read? Well, I realize he's aware of all that, but somehow him seeing it unfold in real time, has me feeling a little ashamed.

We all know that I'm not going to mend my ways completely. I'm not going to stop reading, and writing and start cleaning baseboards all day. But I am hoping that maybe I'll start using my time a little better.

I listened to a show on Fresh Air yesterday about habits. The guest said that the best time to change old habits is while you're on vacation because you aren't surrounded by the normal routines that you've become accustomed to. This made me realized that this new transition in my life will be a perfect time to start training myself to make a little better use of my time. Maybe I'll fit in writing, reading, painting and even have a little bit of time to spare for baseboards. Look out dust! Here I come!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Sucker for Books on Writing

Yes, I'm a sucker when it comes to buying books on writing. But in my defense, I'm a sucker when it comes to buying books in general, so it should come as no surprise that when you put the words book and writing together I would get a little loopy.

I'm not one hundred percent sure what the lure is with books on writing, but my guess is that most writers fall prey to their siren song. I know part of it is the dream that there's going to be some magic information inside that strikes a chord and suddenly makes me a better writer. And while I do often bring some new knowledge away from these books to hopefully add to my craft, I'd say for the most part what I glean is inspiration. If I can crack one of these books open and renew my excitement for writing; if I can attack my project in a new way, with a new set of tools, then it was worth reading. 

I'm excited to read Sandra Scofield's THE SCENE BOOK.  Have you read any great books on writing lately? Why do you like reading books on writing?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Winner: Fantastic February Giveaway

The winner of the Fantastic February Giveaway is:


Congrats! If you send me your address to kebirch (at) hotmail (dot) com, I'll get your new painting in the mail.