Yes, all those days pounding away on my NaNoWriMo project have finally paid off. It's quite a satisfying feeling to see the word "winner" in reference to something you've spent so much time working on. At dinner tonight when I yelled the word winner at the top of my lungs and then continued to congratulate myself on my recent NaNo accomplishment, my daughter looked at me smugly and declared that I was not indeed a winner if I hadn't at least received a ribbon. But let me tell you folks, those 50,000 words are treasure enough. By the end of tomorrow I hope to be typing the words THE END. Then we'll really get the party started.
We'll see if I give myself a little break before I jump into revisions. The satisfaction I get from completing a project will probably be enough to keep pushing myself forward. After all, with each subsequent revision my sweet little WIP gets that much closer to the bigger dream.